EN NY DAG ÄR HÄR och jag känner mig ovanligt organiserad. Jag har till och med lagt kläder i diverse lådor, och lärt mig hantera mitt nya hår. Världen är en plats av mystiskt ljus och alla ler. Jag drömde för övrigt om att jag försökte ta mig till Silent Hill, men vägen dit var konstig pga att den bara ledde dit IBLAND. Det hade något med en krashad meteorit att göra, men jag minns inte så mycket.
Igår fascinerades jag mycket av en SERIEmördare som kallade sig själv "The Zodiac" och skickade mystiska brev och koder till polisen att lösa, däribland ett kryptogram på 340 bokstäver som inte lösts än. JAG har här valt intressanta utdrag ur artikeln:
"On September 27, 1969, Bryan Hartnell and Cecelia Shepard were picnicking on the shores of Lake Berryessa, on a small island connected by a sand spit to Twin Oak Ridge.
The Zodiac, wearing a black executioner's type hood (but square on top like a paper bag) with clip-on sunglasses over the eyeholes and a biblike device on his chest that had a white cross-circle symbol on it, approached them with a gun; Hartnell thought it was a .45.
The Zodiac claimed to be an escaped convict from Deer Lodge, Montana, where he had killed a guard and stolen a car; he told his victims he needed their car and money to go to Mexico. He had brought pre-cut lengths of plastic clothesline and told Shepard to tie Hartnell up, then he tied her up. The Zodiac checked Hartnell's bonds and found she tied him loosely, and so tightened them.
Hartnell initially thought it was only a weird robbery, but the Zodiac drew a knife and stabbed them both, then hiked the 500 yards back up to Knoxville Road, drew his cross circle symbol on Hartnell's car door and wrote beneath it: Vallejo 12-20-68, 7-4-69, Sept 27-69-6:30 by knife. At 7:40 p.m., the Zodiac called Napa PD to report his crime, and officer David Slaight took the call; the phone booth was found minutes later at the Napa Car Wash, only a few blocks from the police station and 27 miles from the crime scene. Meanwhile, passing fisherman Ronald Fong discovered the victims and summoned help, and Hartnell and Shepard were taken to Queen of the Valley Hospital in Napa.
Shepard lapsed into a coma and died two days later, but Hartnell not only survived to tell the bizarre story, he went on to become a successful lawyer in Southern California. The island (located in the present day Oak Shores Recreation Area) on which the attack took place is even referred to locally as Zodiac Island; it has changed a lot over the years, since the three trees present at the time are now gone, and a picnic table sits right by the spot where Hartnell and Shepard were attacked.
Sergeant Ken Narlow of the Napa County Sheriff's Department investigated the stabbing; his best suspect was Rick Marshall, but there was not enough evidence for an arrest."
"On August 8, 1969, Donald and Bettye Harden of Salinas, California cracked the code, but it was more of a mission statement than anything else and did not include his name. It started with, "I LIKE KILLING PEOPLE BECAUSE IT IS SO MUCH FUN..." There were 18 apparently random letters at the end, which some believe can be rearranged to spell "Robert Emmet the Hippie" (a solution that can be obtained only by adding three more letters)."
Igår fascinerades jag mycket av en SERIEmördare som kallade sig själv "The Zodiac" och skickade mystiska brev och koder till polisen att lösa, däribland ett kryptogram på 340 bokstäver som inte lösts än. JAG har här valt intressanta utdrag ur artikeln:
"On September 27, 1969, Bryan Hartnell and Cecelia Shepard were picnicking on the shores of Lake Berryessa, on a small island connected by a sand spit to Twin Oak Ridge.
The Zodiac, wearing a black executioner's type hood (but square on top like a paper bag) with clip-on sunglasses over the eyeholes and a biblike device on his chest that had a white cross-circle symbol on it, approached them with a gun; Hartnell thought it was a .45.
The Zodiac claimed to be an escaped convict from Deer Lodge, Montana, where he had killed a guard and stolen a car; he told his victims he needed their car and money to go to Mexico. He had brought pre-cut lengths of plastic clothesline and told Shepard to tie Hartnell up, then he tied her up. The Zodiac checked Hartnell's bonds and found she tied him loosely, and so tightened them.
Hartnell initially thought it was only a weird robbery, but the Zodiac drew a knife and stabbed them both, then hiked the 500 yards back up to Knoxville Road, drew his cross circle symbol on Hartnell's car door and wrote beneath it: Vallejo 12-20-68, 7-4-69, Sept 27-69-6:30 by knife. At 7:40 p.m., the Zodiac called Napa PD to report his crime, and officer David Slaight took the call; the phone booth was found minutes later at the Napa Car Wash, only a few blocks from the police station and 27 miles from the crime scene. Meanwhile, passing fisherman Ronald Fong discovered the victims and summoned help, and Hartnell and Shepard were taken to Queen of the Valley Hospital in Napa.
Shepard lapsed into a coma and died two days later, but Hartnell not only survived to tell the bizarre story, he went on to become a successful lawyer in Southern California. The island (located in the present day Oak Shores Recreation Area) on which the attack took place is even referred to locally as Zodiac Island; it has changed a lot over the years, since the three trees present at the time are now gone, and a picnic table sits right by the spot where Hartnell and Shepard were attacked.
Sergeant Ken Narlow of the Napa County Sheriff's Department investigated the stabbing; his best suspect was Rick Marshall, but there was not enough evidence for an arrest."
"On August 8, 1969, Donald and Bettye Harden of Salinas, California cracked the code, but it was more of a mission statement than anything else and did not include his name. It started with, "I LIKE KILLING PEOPLE BECAUSE IT IS SO MUCH FUN..." There were 18 apparently random letters at the end, which some believe can be rearranged to spell "Robert Emmet the Hippie" (a solution that can be obtained only by adding three more letters)."
Bilder på DEMONER
Demoner saker som alla är rädda för och ibland gillar, men ingen vet att de verkligen finns. ELLER snarare vilka av dem som finns. På t.ex wikipedia eller i Encyclopedia of the Occult hittar man en massa roliga demonnamn, men dessa är vanligtvis väldigt falska och består av rent skitsnack. Fångade ur en flyende fantasi, är de. DÄRFÖR tänkte jag delge mina stora kunskaper i ämnet och skapa en komplett lista på världens mest kraftfulla demoner.
"Under jorden ligger Azagthulhu,
den sövda döda Guden.
Hans fingrar är av klor och blod utgjutna,
som järn och krökta som lieblad.
Ingen vågar väcka Den Stora Grejen,
då hans farlighet är stor.
Större än till exempel en
besnablad betbest.
Frukta Azagthulhu,
gnluwg'f mglaw mglaw IÄ!"
Azagthulhu gillar inte heller Hockey.
- Azgagzot
- Marioz
- Lurifaxoz
- Azagthulhu
"Under jorden ligger Azagthulhu,
den sövda döda Guden.
Hans fingrar är av klor och blod utgjutna,
som järn och krökta som lieblad.
Ingen vågar väcka Den Stora Grejen,
då hans farlighet är stor.
Större än till exempel en
besnablad betbest.
Frukta Azagthulhu,
gnluwg'f mglaw mglaw IÄ!"
Azagthulhu gillar inte heller Hockey.
- Espen Aruld av Papikum-Dorrf